
Le Cabinet ASA regroupe 5 avocats à Strasbourg et à Paris.

Home > Anwälte > Paul LUTZ


Geboren am 01.07.1948
Rechtsanwalt, zugelassen in Strasbourg

  • Bankrecht
  • Europarecht
  • Handelsrecht


Diplôme de l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Strasbourg
Maîtrise en lettres
Spécialiste en droit commercial et en droit communautaire


Französisch, Deutsch, Englisch


  • „TEG home loans and calendar year“ for Banking and Financial Law Review, November-December 2015, page 118
  • „TEG: reflections of a practitioner“ of Banking and Financial Law Review, November-December 2014, page 11
  • „Borrowing rate and APR in the European Directive on consumer credit“, D. 2009, chr., P. 2955
  • „Overall effective rate: more and more uncertainty,“ with O. Berg, D aff. 2005 chr., P. 841
  • „Why Doubin law is not applicable to beer contract“ with M.-P. Wagner, D aff. 2001 Book of Business Law , p. 1706
  • „The consequences of the Directive on electronic commerce: the necessary overhaul of the French law of credit to consumers,“ Law Review Banking and Finance , 2002, p. 87
  • „Legislative News: Law of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy and the change in the law“ and Freedoms „,“ with M.-P. Wagner Posters of Alsace and Lorraine , 26 November 2004, p.1
  • „The French legislation on credit-proof Community law“ Bank Law 1997 , No. 56
  • „Jurisdiction over consumer contracts – ready mixed use“, with S. Neumann, Euredia , No. 1
  • „Reflections on articles 1907 of the Civil Code and 4 of the Law of 12.28.1966“, with D. Schmidt, Banking Law Journal and Marketplace 1988 9
